Womens Cricket in North London

NLCC Women

Experienced cricketer?  New to the game?

NLCC has a well-established women’s section offering opportunities to women and older girls with a range of ages and experience levels.

We welcome all-comers,  and offer weekly training and matches accordingly -  two league teams, development matches and soft ball friendlies for those new to the game.

We are a friendly bunch and love the social side of the game almost as much as the cricket itself!  Moreover we enjoy a friendly and supportive relationship with NLCC’s men’s section.


Thursday evenings 6.15pm onwards – primarily for performance level players – starting 7th April

Saturday mornings 9.30-11.30am – primarily for development players – starting 9th April

Here's a typical training scene, click on the link to see a NLCC Women's training session


1st XI and 2nd XI teams – playing league matches on Sunday afternoons (home and away); plus development 2nd XI friendlies

Soft ball team – playing friendlies typically on weekday evenings

 Interested? Come and give it a try free of charge!

No gear?  We have sets of protective kit for you to borrow (none needed for soft ball cricket).

Email Becky at beckyissitt1@gmail.com for more information or to book in for a free taster session.

NLCC Women
NLCC Women