1. Name
1.1 The name of the Club shall be “North London Cricket Club”, and the Club shall be affiliated to the England and Wales Cricket Board, Middlesex Cricket, the Middlesex County Cricket League the Chess Valley League and the Middlesex Junior Cricket Association & will take part in competitions run by these organizations’ or their successors
1.2 The colours of the Club shall be Green, Black and Gold.
2. Aims and Objectives
2.1 The object of the Club shall be to provide facilities for, and encourage participation in Cricket.
2.2 to offer qualified coaching and the reimbursement of the cost of coaching courses.
2.3 to offer competitive opportunities in Cricket.
2.4 to promote the Club within the local community and within Middlesex Cricket.
2.5 to manage and maintain the facilities and assets of the Club.
2.6 to adopt the current ECB “Safe Hands” - Welfare of Young People in Cricket Policy Child Protection Policy and to adopt the ECB Code of Conduct, the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code & the Spirit of Cricket
2.7 to ensure a duty of care to all members of the club by adopting and implementing the ECB Cricket Inclusion & Diversity Policy and the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code and any future versions of these Policies and to ensure this, the Club adopts the following statement:
North London Cricket Club in all its activities, is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity in cricket, and to ensuring that its employees, members and all other individuals working or volunteering for North London Cricket Club, and participating in or watching North London Cricket Club’s activities are treated fairly and are able to conduct their activities free from discrimination, harassment or intimidation.
- North London Cricket Club, in all its activities will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourably on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief or sexual orientation.
- North London Cricket Club will not tolerate harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of individuals.
- North London Cricket Club will endeavour to create access and opportunities for all those individuals who wish to participate, and are lawfully eligible to participate, in its activities.
- North London Cricket Club will ensure that it complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its employees, members and volunteers adhere to these requirements and this policy.
- This policy is fully supported by North London Cricket Club’s officers and Management Committee, who are responsible for the implementation of this policy.
North London Cricket Club is committed to the investigation of any claims when brought to its attention, of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual, and reserves the right to impose such sanction as it considers appropriate and proportionate, where such is found to be the case.
- In the event that any employee, member, volunteer, participant or spectator feels that he or she has suffered, or witnessed or been otherwise informed of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation in relation to any activities of North London Cricket Club, they should report the matter in writing to one of the Hon. Club Safeguarding Officers of North London Cricket Club.
- Any such report should include: details of what occurred; when and where the occurrence took place; any witness details and if requested by the Hon. Club Safeguarding Officer(s) copies of any witness statements.
- If the accused individual is an employee, the Management Committee will regard the issue as a disciplinary issue and will follow North London Cricket Club’s employment disciplinary procedure.
- If the accused individual is a non-employee, the Management Committee:
- may decide (at its sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hearing and the decision to be taken as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case within 7 days after receipt of the complaint;
- may (at its sole discretion, or if the Disciplinary Committee so requires) convene a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee to consider the complaint, at which hearing relevant parties will be entitled to attend and present their case. Any such Disciplinary Committee hearing is to take place as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case within 10 days after receipt of the complaint;
- will have the power to impose any one or more sanctions it thinks fit including, in the case of a member, those referred to in Rule 9.2 and in the case of a non-member, excluding such person from the facility, either temporarily or permanently and turning down such person’s future membership application; and
- will provide relevant parties with written reasons for its decision with any decision of the Disciplinary Committee to be communicated within 3 days of the hearing.
- A party may appeal a decision of the Management Committee, including one taken by the Disciplinary Committee) to Middlesex Cricket by writing to Middlesex Cricket within 3 months of North London Cricket Club’s decision being notified to that party.
- If the nature of the complaint is with regard to the Management Committee of North London Cricket Club, the complainant may report the complaint directly to Middlesex Cricket.
This policy will be reviewed periodically by North London Cricket Club in consultation with the England and Wales Cricket Board Limited.
- 3. Membership
3.1 Membership is open to all without discrimination.
3.2 The Clubs facilities are available to all members without discrimination. These facilities shall be open to members on every day throughout the year at the discretion of the Management Committee and subject always to the terms and conditions being imposed by the Shepherds Cot Trust.
3.3 The permitted hours of supply of intoxicating liquor shall be in accordance with current Licensing Laws. These hours may be curtailed subject to the discretion of the Management Committee.
3.4 All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Club will be deemed to have accepted these regulations and codes of conduct that the Club has adopted.
3.5 All applications for membership shall be made to the Hon. Secretary.
3.6 The Management Committee can refuse membership, on non-discriminatory grounds, where the person concerned would be likely to be contrary to the sport or the good conduct and interests of the Club.
3.7 There shall be 6 categories of Club membership, which are as follows:
• Full member shall be a player 17 years of age or more on the first day of the September preceding the Annual General Meeting.
• Associate member shall be a player:
- of 13 years of age or more who, at the discretion of the Youth Manager or a Level 2 ECB/ UKCC Coach or above, is recommended for this category where it is appropriate for their playing development and so can be selected for senior matches based on merit or
- in part time education or
- unemployed or
- in part time employment or
- of pensionable wage (retired)
These members will not be eligible for election or have any voting rights that are available under the constitution.
• Student member shall be a player in full time education, who has left Secondary School or equivalent. Application for this membership must be evidenced by course acceptance documentation
• Junior member shall be a player under 17 years on the first day of September preceding the Annual General Meeting, and these members will not be eligible for election or have any voting rights that are available under the constitution. Junior members may, at the discretion of the Youth Manager or a Level 2 ECB/ UKCC Coach or above, be recommended for Associate membership, where it is appropriate for their playing development.
• Honorary Member shall not be a playing member of the Club. This category of membership will not be allowed to be disproportionately large in relation to the overall membership thereby ensuring that the aims and objectives of the club are met.
• Life Member shall be a member of the Club who has given outstanding service to the Club or the game of Cricket. Nominations must be seconded by a 75% majority of the Management Committee and the nominee must have the majority of the votes of those present and entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Life Members are not required to pay any subscription or require to be re-elected.
4. Membership Fees
4.1 The Annual Fees for members and the Match Fees shall be determined by the Annual General Meeting. A match fee per player shall be charged for all games in which play commences.
4.2 The membership year shall run from the first day of the month following the Annual General Meeting for twelve calendar months. Membership rights are forfeited when current subscriptions remain unpaid at the 1st June in each year; members who have not paid their subscription by 1st July shall be automatically suspended. The Hon. Treasurer shall report all members so suspended to the Management Committee at the first opportunity.
4.3 The Management Committee shall be allowed to reduce the fees at their discretion any time during the ensuing season only if it becomes apparent that the Fees were set at a level that most of the community are unable to afford.
4.4 In consideration of a Member’s or future Member’s economic status or an application for membership late in the season or other exceptional circumstances, the Hon Treasurer shall be allowed to agree reduced Fees with that person to enable them to be treated equally in the Club.
4.5 Members who have not resigned their membership by 15th April and as such shall be liable to pay a full fee.
4.6 On election of a new member by the Management Committee they shall be immediately informed in writing by the Hon. Secretary and furnished with a copy of the Constitution in paper or by electronic link.
5. Officers of the Club
5.1 The officers of the Club and Management Committee (other than Playing Officers, such as captains) shall be elected at each Autumn General Meeting and shall be the:
• President
• Chair
• Hon. Secretary
• Hon. Treasurer
• Hon. Vice Chair
• Hon. Chair of Selectors
• Hon. Club Captain
• Hon. Fixtures Secretary
• Hon. Fundraising Manager
• Hon. Communications & Marketing Officer
• Hon. Manager, women & girls
• Hon. Youth Manager
• Hon. Deputy Youth Manager
• Hon. Child Protection/ Wefare/ Compliance officer(s) and any deputies
• Hon. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
5.2 The captains of the elevens and vice-captains, shall be elected at each AGM
5.3 All officers of the club shall retire each year but will be eligible for re-election
6. Committees
6.1 The management of the Club shall be vested in the Management Committee consisting of the officers with six other members elected at the General Meeting and the captains of the elevens, together with the Club Captain, elected at the AGM.
6.2 The Management Committee shall meet at least once in each month and within 28 days prior to the Annual General Meeting and the Autumn General Meeting.
6.3 The quorum required for business to be agreed at Management Committee meetings is six.
6.4 The Management Committee shall have the power
• to transact all the business of the Club;
• to appoint Sub-Committees;
• to appoint advisors;
• to authorize expenditure;
• to control and instruct all officers;
• to adopt new policy, codes of conduct and Rules that effect the organization of the club;
• to call a General Meeting at 21 days’ notice to the members,
• and to decide any points not provided for in the Constitution.
6.5 The Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Treasurer and the Chair shall automatically be voting members of all appointed Sub-Committees, but not the Selection Committee.
6.6 The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt at any time additional members as deemed necessary onto the Management Committee for a period terminating not later than the following Annual General Meeting.
6.7 The Management Committee shall have the power to fill temporarily any vacancy that may occur in any of the offices of the Club.
6.8 The Management Committee, shall furnish, through the Hon. Secretary, a report of its work to the Annual General Meeting.
6.9 The Emergency Committee shall consist of the Chair, Hon. Secretary and Hon.Treasurer and will meet in the event of an emergency when it is not possible to hold a full Management Committee Meeting. The Emergency Committee shall have the same powers as stated under Rule 6.4
6.10 Teams to play in Senior Men’s matches shall be chosen, on merit from Full, Student & Associate members available, by a Selection Committee, consisting of the Hon. Chairman of Selectors (who shall not be a current Saturday Senior Men’s XI Captain), the Senior Club Coach and the Captain or Vice-Captain of the XI being selected. The Selection Committee may also co-opt any other suitable person to attend the Selection meeting, in a non-voting capacity.
6.11 The Disciplinary Committee shall be the Hon. Secretary, Hon. Chairman of Selectors, Youth Manager and the Club Captain together with the Hon. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer (and any other member of the Management Committee requested by the Disciplinary Committee to attend) when the matter relates to a complaint under Rule 2.7.
7 Finance
7.1 The Club shall be non-profit making and it requires any surplus income or gains be reinvested in the Club. Furthermore no surpluses or assets can be redistributed to members or third parties other than donations to UK Registered charities or other clubs that are community amateur sports clubs.
7.2 The Hon. Treasurer shall, subject to the direction of the Management Committee, take charge of all the funds, property and effects of the Club; shall receive all monies due to the Club and make all payments in accordance with Rule 7.4.
7.3 All the funds of the Club shall be banked in accounts held in the name of the Club.
7.4 The Hon. Treasurer and nominated Management Committee members shall jointly have the authority to draw and sign cheques and effect bank transfers for the purpose of disbursing the Club’s accounts.
7.5 The bank Statements of Accounts shall be inspected’ by a Management Committee member, who is not the Hon. Treasurer, at each Annual General Meeting and at such times as the Management Committee may direct.
7.6 The Hon. Treasurer shall present to the Annual General Meeting a Statement of Accounts, which have been independently reviewed.
8 General Meetings
8.1 Members of the Club shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting on sending the Hon. Secretary a request to that effect signed by at least a combination of six Full, Associate, Honorary or Life members, exclusive of Officers of the Club or members of the Management Committee. A copy of the proposed agenda shall be furnished to the Hon. Secretary at least 21 days before the proposed date of the meeting.
8.2 Notice to the members of the Annual General Meeting which shall be held in January or February and the Autumn General Meeting which shall be held in September will be given by the Hon. Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting or at a Special General Meeting called under the provisions of Rule 6.4.
8.3 Notwithstanding an exceptional occurrence under Rule 6.4, the Rules shall not be altered, abrogated or added to except at the Annual General Meeting by a majority vote. In the case of the Annual General Meeting notice of proposed alterations to the Rules must reach the Hon. Secretary not later than the preceding 30th November.
8.4 The terms of all notices of proposed alterations to the Rules shall state clearly the alterations proposed, and shall be communicated by the Hon. Secretary to members at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.
8.5 Nominations, duly proposed and seconded by members for the positions specified in the foregoing Rule 5.1 must be forwarded in writing so as to reach the Hon. Secretary not later than the preceding 31st August. The nominations for the positions of Captains, under foregoing Rule 5.2 must be forwarded in writing to reach the Hon. Secretary not later than the preceding 31st December. The Captains of the XIs will be nominated by the Selection Committee. Only members so nominated shall be eligible for election excepting the retiring Officers and the six other members of the Management Committee, who shall go forward for re-election without nomination.
8.6 In the event of only one nomination being received, that nominee must receive the majority vote of those present and entitled to vote at either the Annual General Meeting or the Autumn General Meeting. In the event of there being no nominations for any position or, in the case of the six other members of the Management Committee being unable or unwilling to continue, then further nominations may be accepted at the Annual General Meeting or the Autumn General Meeting. In the event of any existing officer of the Club not being re-elected, he or she may be nominated as a candidate for the Management Committee at the Autumn General Meeting.
8.7 Nominations duly proposed and seconded by the members for the election of the Vice- Presidents must be forwarded in writing so as to reach the Hon. Secretary by the 31st December and only persons so nominated shall be eligible for election.
8.8 The Vice Presidents and Vice Captains (nominated by the Selection Committee) shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting but Vice Captains shall not be officers of the Club.
8.9 Playing members only shall be allowed to vote at the election of the Hon. Chair of Selectors, the Club Captain, the Captains of the Elevens and Vice-Captains.
9. Discipline and Appeals
9.1 All complaints, other than a complaint under Rule 2.7, regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted in writing to the Hon. Secretary.
9.2 The Management committee shall consider the complaint and may at its sole discretion convene a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee to hear the complaint. Any such hearing is to take place within 14 days after receipt of the complaint. The Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to take such steps as it thinks fit, including a warning as to future conduct or to suspend (for such a period as it determines)
or terminate the membership of anyone violating any of these Rules or guilty of conduct calculated to bring discredit upon the Club. Any member so suspended or expelled shall have no claim to a refund of any part of their fees.
9.3 The Management Committee will inform the relevant parties in writing of any steps it takes. The outcome of any disciplinary hearing will be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the person against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
9.4 There will be a right of appeal to the Management Committee following any decision being taken.
10 Dissolution
10.1 A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting through a majority vote of the membership.
10.2 In the event of dissolution, any property or assets of the Club that remain will be used for approved sporting or charitable purposes as decided by the membership.
The term “approved sporting or charitable purposes” shall be for;
• The purposes of England and Wales Cricket Board for use in related community sport.
• The purposes of another Community Amateur Sports Club.
• The purposes of a UK Registered Charity
11 Declaration
North London Cricket Club hereby adopts and accepts this Constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of the members.
Signed Martin Issitt / Ian Heptonstall Date 4th February 2024
Club Chair / Vice Chair
Signed Bob Pedersen Date 4th February 2024
Hon. Club Secretary